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              Safety Net >> Color nylon safety net  


              Color nylon safety net, Anquan Ping net, safety net, the national standard safety net, no safety net knot, large safety nets, nylon safety net, polyester safety net with the helmets, safety belts along with the construction site known as the " Sambo. " Safety net is to prevent the accident of falling from height the most effective security protection facilities one. Fall to avoid and mitigate the damage and physical attack, but also play an important role.
                     Color nylon safety net is essential for high altitude operation of protective equipment. Different construction projects because of the different security requirements, the safety net set up method for the specification and are also different. Most of the safety net for the 5mm diameter nylon rope (also useful for polyester rope) plaited. The mesh is 8 ~ 14cm, mesh 3m × 6m and 4m × 8m and other specifications. As a safety net to protect the personal safety at heights and the prevention of litter, assault, so the use of the process must be strictly followed.
                  1, the height of the bottom part of operation must be put up safety nets; When the building height of more than 4m must be set to a gradual increase in the wall with a safety net, after fixed intervals of 4m and then set up a safety net; outer frame, frame bridge , on, under the hole must be a safety net.
                  2, the safety net set up outside to be in the low-high difference between the level of expenditure generally 5Ocm so; supporting bar pieces without breaking, bending; net gap edge and the wall is less than 15cm; net below the surface with the lowest distance greater than 3m.
                  3, the safety net should be checked before use if corrosion and damage.
                  4, the construction of a safety net to ensure complete and effective, support reasonable force uniform, the net may not have debris. Lap to close solid, without cracks, erection of a safety net, not during construction or removed, damaged, have to be removed when no high place.
                  5, the security grid used to set up the support of the small diameter wood not less than 7cm, small diameter bamboo poles not less than 8cm, pole spacing of not more than 4m.
                  6, due to construction requires temporary removal of the safety net had been erected, the construction unit must be informed consent before seeking removal unit erection. Construction is completed according to specified requirements must be immediately restored by the construction unit, and after passing inspection by the erection of units, can be used.
                  7, to regularly clean up the debris within the network; in the net above the implementation of the welding operation should be taken to prevent the welding sparks fell on effective measures for the Internet; network around a long time not to have serious acid-base smoke.
                  8, safety nets must be used regularly to check, and tracking use of records, does not meet the requirements of the safety net should be a timely manner.
                  9, vertical network areas must be strictly separated from the peace network, set net must not be allowed when the flat-screen use; frame set nets, bottom of the tether must be securely bound.
                 10, the safety net when not in use, must be properly stored, custody, to prevent damp mildew.
                 11, the new network to view the product before using the nameplate: (1) is a flat screen or a set net; (2) the manufacturer's production permit; (3) products factory certification. Old network test should be done before use, and test reports, test pass before you can use the old network.

              Binzhou Hengtai Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. Professional production: high-strength polypropylene filament, high-strength polypropylene yarn, polypropylene fiber, polyacrylonitrile fiber, polyester fiber, polypropylene fiber network wire, polypropylene line, battery fiber, safety net, safety rope, climbing rope , Seat belts, high above the protective equipment, polypropylene yarn twisting the network, cracking of polypropylene fiber, polypropylene fiber works, polyacrylonitrile engineering fibers, polyester fiber engineering, construction safety nets, safety nets, safety nets sun dust High-altitude body harness, the new European safety belts, high above the safety line cleaning, three stocks of chemical fiber rope, Hengtai fiber.

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